Saturday, March 28, 2020

Covid 19 Essentials

Some forage for toilet paper, I worry about running out of.......

1 lb. Peets Arabian Mocha Java
1 lb. Philz Jacobs Wonderdream
2nd lb. Philz Jacobs Wonderdream
1 lb. Philz Philz Aromatic Arabic
100 ct. Hario Coffee Filters
100 ct. Chemex Coffee Filters

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Brady Bunch

Sign of the times.  This is how our Digital Histories class for seniors was conducted today using Zoom.  I'm the pink letter G.  Zoom lets you choose your background.  Our instructor Joel is in the upper middle.  He kept referring to us as the Brady Bunch.  "Here's the story, .........."

OK, for those of you unfamiliar with the BB TV show:

Foreign Soap Operas

One of the downsides of cable TV and internet services like Netflix and Amazon Prime, is that the wife has unlimited access to Korean and Taiwanese Soap Operas.  Of course it is all made possible by the subtitles provided, but even without them, it would all seem the same.  She says the secret are the good looking actors. 

When my mom was sick, she and my Aunt Mari would sit there and watch Korean Soap Operas all day.  But in those days (10 years ago) they were watching a constant supply of video tapes.  Don't ask me where the stash came from, but it never seemed to end.  A new bag of tapes would show up weekly.  I never understood the draw, and still don't.

Aunt Mari recently passed away.  She married my dad's younger brother Frank.  I have to admit, my mom was never an easy person to get along with.   Our personal history was always more bumpy than smooth over the years.  I have often been accused of inheriting some of those unpleasant traits.  No argument here.  But to be honest, mom had a history of not treating Auntie well. 

But when mom got sick, being diagnosed with cancer, Auntie started showing up, every day.  She would visit and sit with mom.  It did not matter how she was treated in the past, Auntie put that behind and put her efforts in spending time with mom. 

Did I mention she came everyday?  Even Sundays after church.  She not only provided company and comfort to my mom, but she provided advice (she was a nurse), stability and calmness in a house of many peculiar issues.  When talking of Christian examples, she exhibited it every day.  Even to mom's last day, Auntie was there. 

I guess I can't complain too much about the soap operas, they keep the wife occupied, they help create a bond between my mom and Aunt.  And I add them to the list of things I don't understand, but appreciate.

Seems Familiar

In these days of Covid-19, self quarantine, social distancing, stay at home, it all seems familiar.  Nothing is new for me, it goes back a few years ago when I underwent 6 months of Chemo Therapy.
I was required to self isolate to protect me from outside germs, at times using face masks when venturing out in the world and in contact with others.  I washed my hands frequently, carrying a supply of hand sanitizer, thermometer, first aide kit, blood pressure monitor and a stash of every type of medication from Tylenol to anti nausea pills. 

I still have that backpack full of the essentials, but with updated expiration dates.  The additions are BP meds and a small aerosol can of Lysol.  It brings back unwanted memories of nausea, Matlock and Heat of the Night reruns at 10am.  While Gayle goes stir crazy, it all seems normal to me.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Over and Under

Day one of national and state self quarantine.  I reported to work today after they sent emails out on Sat. telling everyone who can work form home to do so.  Really?  who looks at their work email on the weekend?

Being in my unique work category, I'm not doing my job if Im at home on my laptop.  My cubicle is best described as a midwest prairie with prairie dogs popping their heads up during the day.  Of course my domain is in the middle, equal distant from the exits, copy machines and defibrillators.  It is now marked by a pink miniature traffic cone I stole from my wife's trove of discards.

Currently I am surrounded by young finance folks.  They tend to have a high turn over transferring from program to program and constantly move in and out of the prairie.  Coming in to work today, the main observation was that if you are under the age of 50, you stayed home in quarantine.  If you were above the age of 50, you showed up at work. I have to admit that I fit two of the Calif. Governor's cautionary demographic.  Im over 65 and have compromised health issues.  Don't ask if I am going in tomorrow.

Saturday, March 14, 2020

Basketball Texas Style

I was lucky to visit the grandkids on my trip with my son's bone marrow donation.  One of the highlights was to see the oldest play a basketball game.  As you may know, my son and his family moved to Texas to help plant a church in the suburbs of Dallas.  Part of it was in anticipation of Toyota moving out to Plano.

One of the byproducts of a bunch of asian Americans moving to Texas, was the cultural phenomenon of asian basketball.  Those of us on the southern west coast are familiar with how pervasive basketball has become part of the asian American experience.  I grew up in it in Venice, my kids grew up in it in the South Bay and played for FOR.  They still identify with their uniform numbers, Jeff was 12, Jordan 33, and Jared 4.

One of the transplants in Texas decided to start an Asian American basketball organization in the Dallas area.  The oldest grandson is on the first team of the group.  A local league has allowed the Asian sponsored team to play in their league.  Of course those Texans grow kind of big, but then those of Chinese descent tend to be just as big.  Jeff is the coach and he is facing the typical conflicts of forming a team.

Jeff grew up with a coach that believed in fundamentals.  The basic tenants of basketball imparted by Dave Kasai has given Jeff the fundamentals that are hard to miss when he plays.  The conflict remains, do you teach the fundamentals or do you coach for the game.  Can you convince parents that losing is ok as they learn the basics and that in the long run their skills will benefit their perceived limitations as asians.

I did notice that snack time was the same as here in LA.  Asian Basketball lives on.  

Another Nail

Seniors are the most vulnerable to coronavirus. You can help protect them.

Headline from the Washington Post

In my senior Digital Histories Class (video class for retired folks) was just cancelled for the month.  The film festival showing may be cancelled or postponed.  It is all due to the Covid 19 virus outbreak.     It is in the news, LAUSD just shut down for two weeks, Sport events have been canceled, everyone is searching for toilet paper.  The concern is specifically for us seniors.

What drives this entry, is that I'm part of that demographic, the "target" group of seniors most vulnerable to the virus.  And I am undoubtably, undeniably, un whatever in that category.  OUCH!!  My kids remind me to not travel, my wife constantly reminds me of my compromised health condition and people continually look at me like I'm, well fragile and vulnerable.

And it's more like another nail in the coffin.   Did I say OUCH!!??