Monday, March 20, 2017

Pain in the XXXX

One of the permanent affects of the Chemo Therapy is neuropathy of the extremities.  In the past I have described it as a "fuzzy" feeling in my finger tips.  I have also been noticing it slightly in the bottom of my feet.  The fuzzy feeling is affecting my fine motor skills that require manual dexterity.  I notice my printing is now looking like my handwriting.  For those of you unfamiliar with my writing, I have printed ever since they stopped giving me a grade in handwriting.  I barely squeaked out Cs throughout grade school.  My printing has become somewhat distinct as it has evolved into a certain style.  It's current legibility is comparable to my 4 year old grandson's writing.

It has not detrimentally affected any other manual function.  Typing on the keyboard is a little strange.  The tactile feel is not quite there, and I have trouble using a track pad.  This will be a permanent result of chemo and one Dr. has recommended vitamin B12 as a possible aide in lessening the affect.  Time will also diminish the neuropathy, but to what extent is unknown.

Overall it is a small price to pay.  It is also a constant reminder of the cancer and it's possible comeback.  I'm currently reading a book by Phillip Yancy,  Where is God When it Hurts.  The first section is on the value of pain, and how it is a warning system.  It also goes into how pain enhances pleasure.  Interesting concepts.

1 comment:

GI Endoscopy Practice said...

Thanks for sharing your situation about Chemo Therapy. I pray that you will get through the therapies easily and your Cancer will be cured.
GI Endoscopy Practice