Friday, December 2, 2016

Banana Avocado Spinach Sandwich and Sweet Potato Pie

I got a call from the Oncologist yesterday requesting that I double my dosage of Potassium.  For the last two months my blood tests have shown low levels and their concern has rose to the level of a weekly sample of blood.

The remedy is the potassium supplement, increased consumption of Powerade and increased intake of food items with high potassium.  Bananas are the common recommendation from the nursing field and my wife.  The root of the problem is that I have a huge dislike of bananas.

During my college days, I worked in the produce dept. at Lucky Markets.   Being low man on the totem pole meant I was tasked with stocking the banana display.  In those days, bananas came in boxes wrapped in plastic wrap.  The plastic wrap accelerated their ripening.  During the summer days I would load up 10 boxes on my cart, trudge out and proceed to open the boxes one by one.  As you lift the cardboard top off you start getting a whiff of ripe bananas, as you remove the wrap, you get hit with blast of the fragrance of ripe bananas.  Multiply that by two when you have over ripe bananas hidden inside.

It wasn't until about 10 years ago that I started eating banana baked goods.  In agreement with Gayle, I will start incorporating bananas into my diet.  It only took 40 years.  And she says I'm resistant to change.

Misc. Notes:

Darrin and Rachel broke the Wada 5th generation male domination.  Nephew Darrin and Rachel welcomed Eleanor Etsuko Sera into the world on Nov. 27th.  Auntie Gayle is elated to finally be shopping for a girl?  But she asked if white or pink was preferable.  What happened to t-shirts and shorts?  Warning, start buying Hello Kitty stock.

You look Marvelous:  Despite feeling yucky at best at times, the comment I get most is that I am looking good.  The direct opposite of what I see in the mirror in the morning.  I look like Frank Barone when I go out to get the morning paper.

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