Friday, August 24, 2012

Daily Reminders

I'm currently working on my top ten list for why I'm still alive for the one year anniversary of my bypass surgery.  I have developed a morbid outlook at times as I encounter stories of others with grave health problems or have passed on.  The Heart Attack Club is slowly growing.

These are some of the daily reminders of the surgery:

The visual each day of the scar after a shower
The reluctance to touch the scar (touching around it is OK)
The chaffing of the scar on the car's chest seat belt
The irritation of the scar on some shirt materials (synthetics are  the worse)
The itchiness during the heat of the summer

But the biggest constant reminder of the surgery is the sensation of your skin patched together where it feels that both sides of the chest were just not quite aligned exactly when it was sewn up.
The best example I can think of is when you take a sheet of paper, cut it in half length wise, then tape it back together.  You can never get it exactly right.  At some point in the middle it just does not align right.  Flip it over and you can still see the cut and where it is off. 

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